Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District Publications 1941-1959
Changes in Legislation Affecting Mosquito Control Operations by Harold F. Gray1946
The Control of Mosquito Breeding in Street Inlets (Catch Basins), Underground Utility Vaults and Similar Structures, by DDT Residual Sprays by Harold F. Gray Hints on the Conduct of Meetings of a Board of Trustees of a Mosquito Abatement District by Harold F. GrayTwo Years’ Experience with DDT in the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District by Thomas F. McGowan1948
How California Compares in Mosquito Control with Other Regions by Harold F. GrayUse of Military Amphibious Vehicles, “Weasels,” in Mosquito Abatement Operations by Thomas F. McGowanCemetery Mosquito Control by Aerosol by Theodore Aarons1950
A Broad, Objective View of Mosquito Control Methods and Processes by Harold F. GrayEliminative Mosquito Control Measures in Relation to Industrial Operations by Harold F. Gray1952
Salt Marsh Field Study for Toxicity Comparison of Diesel Oil, Diesel Oil DDT Concentrate, and DDT Water Emulsion on Aedes Dorsalis (Meig.) Larvae by Embree Mezger, Theodore Aarons, Harold Gray and Onishi KoishiHistorical Highlights of “Permanent” Mosquito Control in California by Harold F. Gray1953
Temporary Control Methods vs. Mosquito Source Reduction by Harold F. Gray1954
Interesting Aspects of the Malaria Outbreak at Lake Vera, California by Harold F. GraySalt Marsh Mosquito Survey in the San Francisco Bay Area 1950-1953 by Theodore Aarons1957
Public Relations by Herbert B. BrownMosquito Source Reduction Inter-Agency by E. Chester Robinson